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“If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.”
— Deepak Chopra

We birthed The Botanical Bay with the intention of encouraging belief in the body's ability to heal and rejuvenate itself naturally. We want to see a change to the wide spread narrative that our well-being lies solely under the remit of some external professional entity.  Our ability to heal, experience amazing health and vitality, is a gift. We each arrived with this gift innately, and have complete and full access to it readily. 

Our planet is littered with amazing plant and elemental allies, ready to lend us their magic & mystery.  Together, we can work together to see the physical manifestation of the healing knowledge we intrinsically store inside.  Healing and rejuvenation is truly a joyously amazing experience, & has no business being cloaked in fear or conjuring images of cold, sterile hospital wards. 

We are surrounded by tremendous modernity. Therefore, we believe too that modern tools can be incorporated along our journeys to assist in revitalizing not only our temples, but the temples of our families and homes.  Across our site you'll find super rare, organic herbs, but also tools that uses modern technology to assist us in getting the healing results we seek at faster speeds. 

We hope you find a product in The Bay that assists you on your healing and self management journey... & if you don't, feel free to drop us a line. We're always up for a chat. xxx   


The Botanical Bay Team x